IRI Scholarships
Note: Students applying should be attending IRI, if not you will have to provide a detailed reason why. See below.
For 2018, we will be awarding multiple Technical / Open Scholarships and 1 Teaching Scholarship. We expect each scholarship values to be $1500 – $2000.
These scholarships are for 2017-2018 school year seniors who will be attending post high school education institutions (college, community college, university, technical school). You must be attending in the fall 2018 – the check will be written to you and the school and must be deposited into your “school account”.
The sponsoring companies / organizations will read the applications and make their award decisions. Each sponsor has their own criteria they use for their selection process.
It is very important that you follow the guidelines below and be sure you have included all of the requested information. Don’t make it hard on the sponsoring companies!
Technical / Open (Sponsoring company determines area of study requirements) Sponsors – TBD
1 – Teaching (Must be going into a teaching / educational field of study) Marcia Beatty Memorial
Requirements / Actions 1. Student must submit answers to the questions (below) and answer an essay question. 2. Student must obtain a letter of recommendation from 1 adult MENTOR. This reference should not be a family member of the student. The requirement for a reference from a MENTOR is to further recognize the value of the MENTOR / STUDENT relationship in FRC. Make sure your reference includes your FULL NAME AND TEAM NUMBER ON THEIR LETTER! 3. The team must be attending the 2018 IRI and it is preferred that the student also be attending. If you are not able to attend with your team, please include a statement as to “why not” at the end of your essay.
Please be sure that you and your reference include your name and team number on the letters and don’t mix given names and nicknames – we may not know that the letters go together).
DEADLINE: Applications and references must be received by MONDAY JULY 2.
Email all materials to
STUDENTS: Include the following information on your application.
Name: Team Number: College / University Attending: Expected Major: Scholarship Applying for: Technical / Open or Teaching Years on FIRST Team: Primary Roles on Team: Name of Individual Providing Reference Letter:
Technical / Open Scholarships Answer the following question: How my FIRST experience has prepared me to be successful IN college. (Please add a short statement if you are NOT able to attend the IRI.)
Marcia Beatty Memorial Teaching Scholarship Answer the following question: How my FIRST experience has prepared me to be successful IN college. (Please add a short statement if you are NOT able to attend the IRI.)
REFERENCES: Include the following information on your letters of reference.
Name: Name of Student: Relationship with Student: FIRST Affiliation (if any): Answer the following question: Why do you believe this student is deserving of IRI / FIRST Scholarship Recognition?
2017 IRI Scholarship Winners
2016 IRI Scholarship Winners
All scholarships were $2000.
Total IRI Scholarships to date – $102,500!
Marcia Beatty – Abigail Mescher, Team 1086 AndyMark – Perry Outman, Team 33 Rolls-Royce – Elizabeth Bremer, Team 234 Innovation First / VEX – Ethan Elliott, Team 2056 IRI / IRI Teams – Morgan Brunsting, Team 3620
2014 Scholarship Winners
Louis Bertoncin – Team 1730, Team Driven Jeffrey Pflueger – Team 2468, Team Appreciate William Blaser III – Team 359, Hawaiian Kids Mariah Smith – Team 1741, Red Alert
At the 2011 IRI we awarded eight (8) scholarships, totalling $15,000 to graduated high school seniors.
Seven students received technical / open scholarships, while one student received the Marcia Beatty scholarship for education.
Congratulations to our eight scholarship winners! (row 1: Kendra Grossman, Rachel Goubert, Stacey Willick, Katie Widen, row 2: CJ Burchfield, Niklas Olsen, Samir Shaikh, Matthew Coffey)
$2,500 Interactive Intelligence Foundation scholarship: CJ Burchfield of CyberBlue, FRC team 234
$2,000 AndyMark, Inc. scholarship: Samir Shaikh of Team THRUST, FRC team 1501
$2,000 Innovation First VEX Robotics scholarship: Stacey Willick of Simbotics, FRC team 1114
$2,000 IRI Teams + 4FX Designs scholarships: Niklas Olsen of Wave Robotics, FRC team 2826
$2,000 Techpoint Foundation scholarship: Kendra Grossman of Kil-a-Bytes, FRC team 1024
$1,500 Rolls-Royce scholarship: Rachel Goubert of the Fighting Pi, FRC team 1718
$1,500 Allison Transmission scholarship: Kathryn Widen of UPS, FRC team 1675
$1,500 Marcia Beatty Memorial scholarship: Matthew Coffey of Simbotics, FRC team 1114
Thank you to all of the sponsors of the scholarships!
Pictured to the left are representatives from the Techpoint Foundation, with scholarship winner Kendra Grossman.