Sign-up Steps
1) Read through the Student Handbook. Sign the back pages (Student Handbook Signature Button) and return to the coaches.
2) Got to the Contact Database link and complete the google form. This form is for students, parents, and mentors to complete.
3). Once a student's contact database is completed, the coaches will use the primary email address provided to the database to send an INVITE via FIRST to join the team (STIMS).
4) Pay the $250 non-refundable Flying Toaster Camp Fee. Make Checks payable to South Lyon Robotics and give to Mr. Novilla (Team Treasurer).
5) You take care of the "Pay to Participate" fee of $50 at the school's student registration in August.
6) Work on Sponsorship. Parents, ask your work as many businesses support FIRST. Ask early, as in the summer months large corporations make the decisions as to which teams to support. We are planning to address sponsorship in our meetings.
7) Sign up to remind 101. Text @slro to 81010
8) Complete the Video/Media/Photo and TV Broadcasting release forms and turn them in to the coaching staff.
9) Complete the Team travel and the Student Transportation permission slips and turn them into the coaching staff.
10) Complete the Volunteer Driver forms. Pick the vehicle that you will most likely be using. If you need copies made, please stop by at one of our meetings.