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TEAM 3641 is going to IRI 2018!

Book your hotels.....WE ARE IN!

Below are the 80 teams invited to the 2018 IRI.

16 Bomb Squad 20 The Rocketeers 33 Killer Bees 67 Heroes of Tomorrow (HOT) 88 TJ2 118 The Robonauts 125 NUTRONs 133 BERT 195 CyberKnights 217 The ThunderChickens 225 TechFire 234 Cyber Blue 245 Adambots 302 The Dragons 319 Big Bad Bob 330 The Beach Bots 340 Greater Rochester Robotics 359 Waialua High & Intermediate School-Hawaiian Kids 384 SPARKY 422 The Mech Tech Dragons 469 Las Guerrillas 494 Martians 624 CRyptonite 694 StuyPulse 708 Hatters Robotics 829 The Digital Goats 865 Warp7 868 Carmel high school techhounds 1018 Pike RoboDevils 1024 Kil-A-Bytes 1102 M'Aiken Magic 1218 Vulcan Robotics 1360 Orbit Robotics 1533 Triple Strange 1619 Up-A-Creek Robotics 1640 Sab-BOT-age 1648 G3 Robotics 1706 Ratchet Rockers 1710 The Ravonics Revolution 1720 PhyXTGears 1731 Fresta Valley Robotics 1741 Red Alert Robotics 1746 OTTO 1747 Harrison Boiler Robotics 1796 RoboTigers 1806 S.W.A.T. 2013 Cybergnomes 2056 OP Robotics 2168 The Aluminum Falcons 2337 EngiNERDs 2363 Triple Helix 2451 PWNAGE 2468 Team Appreciate 2481 Roboteers 2590 Nemesis 2614 Mountaineer Area RoboticS (MARS) 2655 The Flying Platypi 2771 Code Red Robotics the Stray Dogs 2791 Shaker Robotics 2826 Wave Robotics 2834 Bionic Blackhawks 3357 COMETS 3452 GreengineerZ 3476 Code Orange 3478 Lambot 3538 RoboJackets 3641 The Flying Toasters 3683 Team Dave 3707 Brighton TechnoDogs 3847 Spectrum 3940 CyberTooth 4028 The Beak Squad 4265 Secret City Wildbots 4499 The Highlanders 4587 Jersey Voltage 4944 The Hi Fives 4967 That ONE Team-Our Next Engineers 5254 HYPE 5406 Celt-X 6800 ViperBots Valor

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