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How it's organized!

Currently, Our team operates in the manner at right.  When the grant is approved, the newly formed girls team, equipment and robot will be under the team for governance and responsibility (see left).  

TEAM 3641, The Flying Toasters:   South Lyon Community Schools, South Lyon, MI 48178, encompasses 88 square miles and 11 schools. The South Lyon Robotics Club is a recognized club by the school district with it's own general account ledger (part of SLCS finance) and the ability to meet and use school property. All "gifts" are accepted by the school board and all property of the robotics team is considered part of the district.
Our "coach" is the faculty advisor, Mr. Weber, who has been with SLCS for over 10 years.  The Team, 3641, The Flying Toasters,  are a FIRST FRC robotics team and is under the South Lyon Robotics Club.  The Girls Team that will be formed to build the T-shirt launcher and breast cancer awareness robot will be under the faculty advisor, Mr. Weber, the South Lyon Robotics Club, and mentored/sponsored by The Flying Toasters.
Several students, Ethan N, Baylie B, Ben W, and many more, have been instumental in conceptionalizing and developing this grant proposal. Our newly formed Robotics Steering committee will be assisting the students in moving this project forward with assigning Mentor and Parental support to help the students develop the girls team and the many milestones to complete a project commitment of this type. 
The next step for out team is to begin soucing sponsorship and developing guidelines (steering committee) for the lauching of this grant as soon as the grant is announced. OUr steering committee is made up of all the coach, four mentors, six students (over 50 students on the team), and four parents. 
Contact Info:  (The following had a part in the development of this grant application and will be major stakeholders in the successful completion of the grant).
Board Office, Administration:   Barbara Heiniger, 248-573-8127
Principal:  David Phillips, 248-573-8700
Faculty Advisor:  Ronald Weber, 248-573-8700 extension 7779
Lead mentor:  Manuel Novilla,
Lead Design Engineer: Jim Burkowski,
Booster President: David Ascher,
Lead Student:  Baylie B, 
Lead Student:  Ethan N, 
Lead Student: Ben W, 
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