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The right tool for the right job. When it comes to machining for the team, Tormach is the one. When it comes to sponsorhip, The Flying Toasters get it done. Last year we participated in (9) events including Worlds @ St Louis, MO; an (11) hour drive for us. Proof of our many sponsorship "gifts" can be found in the school board minutes.
How will the Flying Toasters Fund this adventure?
For the FIRST FRC Robotics 2015 season, our team was able to gain over $44,000 in sponsorships and grants. Our Top Sponsors contributed greatly to the majority of funding. When the Edsfund grant is approved, several of our sponsors, such as FCA, KTC, and many more, said they were interested in helping us out immediately.
Item Amount
Tormach Mill Education PKG $ 15,895.49
Shipping & Intallation, Est. $ 1,500.00
Robot Materials & Supplies $ 1,500.00
Edsfund Grant (40% Match) $ (6,000.00)
The Flying Toaster matching $ (12,895.49)
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