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Yes, there is a meeting tonight...

Wear you work clothes as we have lots of things going on as we get ready for the Girl Scouts outreach on Friday and work on getting the fabrication classroom & Machine Shop organized.

Agenda May 14th Meeting:

  1. Girl Scout Meeting Prep.

  2. May 18th, Doors open at 4pm

  3. Sort Aluminum & materials for Scrap

  4. Get more $$$ for “clean” Aluminum

  5. No Steel Fasteners or Steel parts attached.

  6. Stock Rack tear down & haul out to trailer.

  7. Keep OSB board for Museum Shelf

  8. Bag & Tap all fasteners to rack

  9. Museum Shelf

  10. Haul in 2” x 4” x 20ft to be used as supports

  11. ½-13 threaded rod & beam clamps

  12. OSB from stock rack

  13. Gray Primer & Black Paint

  14. 2” x 4” x 8ft behind CNC Tormach Mill

  15. Need Museum like Description/presentation for each robot 2011 thru 2018 (8 years)

  16. Layout Machine Shop & Tool Crib

  17. Take a look at a possible layout of the shop (Thank You Mr. & Mrs. Novilla)

  18. Work on preparing and painting the tool crib

  19. Remove old stock rack

  20. Look at fixing the welding curtain (moving it 1-2 ft as well)

  21. Remove Scrap items

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